
Tuesday, 24 October 2023



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Workshop on Evaluation of Financial Management and Development and Signing Commitment to the Regional Supervision Collaboration Forum for Regional Level of East Kalimantan Province in 2023

Samarinda, (10/24/2023) Representative of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through government and human development attended the workshop of the financial management and development and signing of the Commitment to the Regional Supervision Collaboration Forum at the Regional Level of East Kalimantan Province in 2023 with the theme "Accountable Village Financial Management in the FINANCIAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE COMMUNITY OF THE ECONOMIC SUBSTMENT OF THE COMMISSION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE EAST KALIMANTAN PROVINCE The activity was carried out by the Odah Otam Meeting Room of the East Kalimantan Governor's Office.

The workshop was carried out hybrid and opened by Mrs. Sri Wahyuni ​​as the Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province. This workshop presented speakers from the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Itjen Dagri), Wiratmoko, AK. Ca, M.A, Qia, CFRA, Head of Regional Office of DJPB of East Kalimantan Province, M. Syaibani, S.E., M.E, Inspectorate Kab. Kutai Timur, R.B.Belly DJ. W, SE, MM, CFRA, CGCAE and Head of Representative of the East Kalimantan Province Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), Hasoloan Manulu, SE. MM, CFRA, QIA, CFE, CRGP, CGCAE

This workshop was held in order to increase collaboration synergy in fostering supervision empowerment in the village, financial management wisely and the use of IT for data-based village policies.

In reality, the financial management system in the village still has weaknesses in the process of recording, storing, paying and accountable for cash disbursements. So that reporting the realization of the Village Expenditure Budget (APBKAM) is not supported by complete and legal expenditure proof. Therefore, it needs to be improved by forming a professional, efficient, effective, transparent and responsible village government, increasing socio -cultural resilience by utilizing the village economy and strengthening the community and regional apparatus as subjects and facilitators in village development. Thus, it is expected to overcome the development gap to increase national resilience.

Meanwhile, from village supervision activities by BPKP representatives in East Kalimantan in 2023 it can be concluded that there are problems that often occur in the village in two sectors. Namely in terms of financial management including the realization of low income and expenditure, low village expenditure accountability, there are still activities that are not on target, village RAB inefficiencies that do not reach output, levy differences and tax deposits and lack of accountability for compatibility with real conditions, then, in the village planning sector found the unintended village development plan with the region and national, RKPDes and the APBDes have not referred to the RPJMDes, the SDGS Until the lack of community participation so that the fulfillment of the needs of the community.

To minimize this, the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) appealed to the management of village fund supervision with two systems developed by BPKP namely, the Village Finance System (Siskeudes) and the Village Supervision System (Siswaskeudes). Some of the benefits of the two systems can facilitate the village government in village financial governance, accurate data, and fast processes.

From this workshop activity, it is expected to be able to manage village finances with transparent, effective and also efficient.


#workshop evaluation of management and development of village 2023
#government and human development 202