Thursday, 27 October 2022
Workshop on Preparing a Regional Macroeconomic Framework
In order to improve the quality of East Kalimantan Province Development Planning Documents, Bappeda Provincial. East Kalimantan, through the PPEPD Division, is holding a Regional Economic Framework Modeling Workshop, taking place in the meeting room of the Swiss-bell Hotel Balikpapan on October 26 2022.
This activity was opened by Plt. Head of Provincial Bappeda. East Kalimantan Mr. Yusliando, ST and attended by Regional Apparatus from the Province. East Kalimantan, the Regency/City Bappelitbang, and the Planning Division of the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda.
Also present at this activity were resource persons, Head of the East Kalimantan Central Statistics Agency, Mrs. Yusniar, Senior Economist at BI East Kalimantan, Mr. Iwan Kurniawan, Head of the PPEPD Division, Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province, Mrs. Rina Juliaty, and PMAS Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas.
This workshop aims to strengthen data and information analysis and methodology in the context of preparing the Macroeconomic Framework (Central and Regional), and to carry out policy coordination and synergy between the Macroeconomic framework at the central level and Region.
In his speech Mr. Yusliando said that successful achievement of regional development performance needs to start with quality planning, the Regional Macroeconomic Framework is an important part in preparing planning documents, both medium and annual, instruments This is used as a general illustration of measuring the achievements of regional economic performance, for this reason, setting targets for regional macroeconomic frameworks needs to be strengthened with appropriate calculation methods.
He further explained that in the macro indicator performance targets between levels of government there are deviations caused by differences in methodology and assumptions in the preparation used between the central and regional levels. For this reason, it is necessary to harmonize the methodology used in formulating regional macroeconomic frameworks in order to create synergistic and consistent strategies and policy directions, both national and regional.
It is hoped that with this activity, development planning officials, both provincial and district/city levels, can understand and implement their knowledge of analyzing planning data, especially statistical analysis in order to improve the quality of future development planning documents.
#regionalmacroeconomic framework
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