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Realize quality East Kalimantan economy

Samarinda, Tuesday 8/3/2016. East Kalimantan Province Development Planning through the 2017 Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) 1a._Konsultasi_publik_opened_by_Plh._Sekdaprov_Kaltim_DR.Ir._Meliana_SE._MMmust be able to improve the economy of the people of East Kalimantan so that the economic structure of the community can be better and of better quality.

This was conveyed by the General Administrative Assistant (Assistant IV) DR. Meliana, SE., MM represented the Governor of East Kalimantan when delivering a speech as well as opening the Public Consultation event in the context of Preparing the Initial Draft Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) for East Kalimantan Province for 2017 with the theme "Consolidating Downstream Industry to Create a Quality Economic Structure" as operational guide in achieving the East Kalimantan Vision 2018 "Creating an Equitable and Just Prosperous East Kalimantan Based on Agro-Industry and Environmentally Friendly Energy" which in line with the Trisakti and Nawacita National Development Policies.

The implementation of the 2016 Public Consultation in the Mancong meeting room, Hotel Mesra, Jalan Pahlawan Number 1 Samarinda was attended by approximately two hundred participants from all SKPDs within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, all staff experts from the Governor of Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, all Heads of Regency/City Bappeda throughout East Kalimantan, Academics, NGOs, Mass Organizations, community leaders, entrepreneurs/private sectors, professional associations.

DR. Meliana in her speech said that the importance of this Public Consultation forum was intended to be able to capture the aspirations of stakeholders at an early stage with the aim of gathering the aspirations and hopes of stakeholders regarding the development priorities and targets of East Kalimantan Province in 2017. This Public Consultation is one of the stages in the preparation Regional Government Work Plan for 2017 before the implementation of the Provincial SKPD Farum and the 2016 Provincial RKPD Musrenbang.

Furthermore, the General Administration Assistant or also known as Assistant IV added that the RKPD for East Kalimantan Province which was prepared was a regional planning document for the 2017 period, which was based on the Regional Development Policy Direction, referring to the RPJMD Document East Kalimantan 2013-2018, as well as paying attention to National Development Priorities

The 2017 RKPD is the fourth year which has a strategic Critical Point position to determine the success of achieving the targets of the 2013 - 2018 East Kalimantan RPJMD as the third stage of the 2005 - 2025 East Kalimantan RPJPD.2a._peteman_konsultasi_publik_smd_8_maret_2016

Basically, development is aimed at improving the quality of life of the community. Therefore, in the development process must pay attention to norms, namely that development must not create and widen inequality; and the economic growth pursued must not reduce carrying capacity and cause environmental damage.

As an illustration, the East Kalimantan regional economy has experienced severe tests since 2013 and currently economic growth is experiencing a contraction of -1.65%. It cannot be avoided as a consequence of the world economic slowdown, the decline in oil and gas and coal prices which are still the basis of the East Kalimantan economy.

Economic transformation by exploring superior economic potential outside of oil and gas and coal and downstreaming is the answer to building a quality and sustainable economy.

In order to implement industrial downstreaming in order to achieve growth targets and a quality economic structure, in 2017 we must be more focused and concrete in achieving the completion of the industrial downstreaming program through the planned development of 8 Industrial Areas. We have succeeded in downstreaming the Gas/Petrochemical sector industry in the Bontang Industrial Area. However, downstreaming in the mineral, coal, CPO, agricultural industry and tourism industry sectors still faces the following challenges:
1. Development of Agroindustry - Oleo chemical in KEK MBTK Maloy, especially in the completion of ports, storage tanks, supply of raw water, supply of drinking water and energy;
2. Development of KIK Kariangau and Buluminung, especially the Balang Island bridge, Balikpapan –Samarrinda Toll Road, Balang Island Bridge access road, Raw Water and Clean Water as well as Marine Techno Park;
3. Development of BSB, Ringroad Access to BSB, Mahkota II Bridge and Twin Bridges as well as flood control
4. Development of the Derawan tourism industry, including the Tanjung Redeb Road to Muara Batu, as well as the operation of Maratua Airport;
5. Development of agricultural areas in Paser and PPU Regencies, where there is the Gunung Sewu Group company which will develop the fresh fruit canning industry, construction of the Lambakan reservoir.
6. The border area consists of building access roads and bridges to the border, namely Long Bagun-Long Pahangai-Long Apari and Long Apari Airport.
7. Kukar agricultural industrial area, Kubar: Wooden marang dam.

The task of realizing these projects faces very difficult challenges because fiscal capacity, especially oil and gas DBH, has decreased. Please note that transfers from the central government to the East Kalimantan Provincial Government continue to decline from year to year, in 2012 amounting to 6.089 trillion rupiah and experiencing a sharp decline to 4.068 trillion rupiah in 2016.

Uncertainty about central to regional fund transfer policies, changes in regulations that affect authority and institutions, require us to look again and force us to work smartly to carry out breakthrough activities that can generate income so that we do not continue to depend on funding from the center.

We realize that the success of the development of East Kalimantan is a collective success of the role of the Province together with the Central and Regency/City Governments and the Community. Therefore, let's close ranks and work together synergistically.

The preparation of the 2017 RKPD must be carried out in a quality and more productive manner so it is necessary to pay attention to:
1. Determining programs and activities must be QUICK WIN (which touches the community directly);
2. Make savings on government spending by prioritizing mandatory spending;
3. Increasing investment in the regions in an effort to encourage PAD and looking for other sources of financing using the Public Private Partnership (PPP) pattern so that we are not dependent on oil and gas and coal revenue sharing funds;
4. Accelerate development and development of infrastructure that supports economic/industrial centers, rural infrastructure, especially to overcome the isolation of rural areas so that the community's economy develops.
5. Building commitment from all stakeholders, including the government, business actors and society, to support the achievement of mutually agreed development targets.

At the end of his speech, the Assistant for General Administration hoped that this Public Consultation Forum would receive important input from stakeholders in order to realize effective and strategic planning so as to be able to anticipate changes and dynamics in society. (Public Relations of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S.Sos).

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