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RPJPD Review Balikpapan City 2006-2026

Samarinda, Thursday 20/9/12. Special Committee of the Balikpapan City DPRD paid a working visit to the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda in the context of coordinating and consultation on synchronization between long-term development plans (RPJPD) PKS and Hence Royke.T Commission III from the PDS Faction and Andi Rosadi, SH from the Secretariat of the Balikpapan City DPRD Council.

A meeting with the Balikpapan City DPRD which discussed the main synchronization of the Balikpapan City RPJPD in 2006-2026 and the RPJPD of East Kalimantan Province in 2005-2025 was led directly by the Secretary of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Si in the meeting room of the Head of Bappeda Kaltim, Jl. Kusuma Bangsa Number 2 Samarinda, attended by participants of approximately 15 people consisting of the Head of Government and Apparatus, Siti Sugiyanti, SE., M.Sc; Head of Subdivision of Statistics and Data Collection, Rina Juliaty, S.Si; Head of Subdivision of Development Control, Ir. Akhmad Huzairin; Head of Subdivision of Government, Dra. Tri Padianawati, Staff of the Regional Development Assessment and Financing, Staff for Regional Infrastructure and Development, as well as staff from the East Kalimantan Bappeda Secretariat.

h. Sonhaji, ST Members of the Balikpapan City DPRD Special Committee on Balikpapan City RJPJD delivered remarks and exposure before the participants who attended about the importance of coordination and consultation to synchronize between the Balikpapan City RPJPD and the East Kalimantan Province RPJPD and the RPJPN so that the program plan was integrated between the Balikpapan City Government, the Provincial Government and Central government. He said.

The Secretary of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, welcomed and was very appreciative of the working visit of the RPJPD City Special Committee members from the City DPRD Balikapapan and was willing to follow up on the next meeting if data were still needed from the East Kalimantan Provincial Government. 2._dprd_kota_bpp_kunker_rmpjpd_kaltim_2005-20025

Members of the Special Committee of the Balikpapan City DPRD ask for more detailed detailed description of the priority development program in Balikpapan in accordance with the East Kalimantan Province RPJPD and explained clearly by the Secretary in accordance , Tourism and Petroleum Returning.

Specifically the Balikpapan City Tourism Sector received a very positive response from participants including handling coastal tourism which received excellent for visitors outside the region and within the regions, especially on holidays, such as Eid al-Fitr holidays recently. This is expected to receive more attention to the handling of beaches in the city of Balikpapan, said the Head of Government and Apparatus of the East Kalimantan Bappeda.

The Special Committee of the Balikpapan City DPRD also mentioned the Balang Island Bridge construction program which is a very important development for residents of the City of Balikpapan and also alluded to the planning of the construction of the Nipah -Nipah Bridge in the North Paser - Melawai region in the Balikpapan City area, the bridge proposal In the initiative of the North Paser Sharp Government, the Special Committee for the City of Balikapan DPRD hopes that the East Kalimantan Provincial Government will receive attention other than the construction of the Balang Island Bridge.

According to members of the Special Committee for the bridge planning it is very important in increasing the economy of the city of Balikpapan in the future, with the reason that residents can be from North Paser Sharpening, but work in the city of Balikpapan.

The Secretary of the East Kalimantan Bappeda responded to all the proposals from members of the Special Committee of the Balikpapan City DPRD for a while to be accommodated first and will be coordinated with the follow -up to the next planning process, and around 12.00 WITA the meeting was completed and was officially closed by the Secretary. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/SKR).