
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



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Prioritize coordination and cooperation

Samarinda, 10/23/12. Prioritizing good coordination and cooperation between management or committee as well as all parties involved in the success of the event Implementation of Qurban Worship 1433 H / 2012 M in the Bappeda environment of East Kalimantan Province, Implementation of Eid al -holidays Adha, Juma'at 10/26/12) in the parking lot behind the East Kalimantan Bappeda Office, Jln. Kusuma Bangsa Number 2 Samarinda.

This was conveyed by the Secretary of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Si, when chairing a preparation meeting for the implementation of the Sacrifice in the East Kalimantan Bappeda environment to the committee in the East Kalimantan Bappeda Secretary Room from 08.00 - 09.30 WITA, 10/23/12. The committee present at the meeting included the Head of the General Subdivision, Hj. A. H. Yone May; Kasubbag Finance, Mohammad Iqbal; Hj. Rahmawaty; Misri Sobiran; H. Buyung Dodi Gunawan; Arbainsyah; Suli Astuty and Hastati Paturusi.

Preparation for the implementation of the qurban worship is completely ready for the D-2 implementation, namely on Thursday, 10/25/12; Except for five (5) sacrificial cows that are ready to be imported on H-1 on Friday, 10/26/12 will be placed in the parking lot of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Office.

The preparation meeting begins with the preparation of all administrations consisting of anyone who will be invited or entitled to get sacrificial meat in accordance with Islamic sharia, coordinated by Arbainsya with members: Hj. Masriah; Suri Handayani; Hartati Paturusi; Kusrin and Aseri.

Meanwhile, for preparation for equipment consisting of a place for the event of the Sacrifice, tents and all related equipment related to the implementation of the Qurban Worship event coordinated by Misri Sobiran, as well as the preparation of documentation by Sukandar and M. Yusni.

While the preparation for the protocol event by Astien Ariyani and for the arts coordinated by Charmarijaty, Kasubbid Social Welfare, the field of developing Human Resources Bappeda Kaltim, with members: 1. Sukardi; Jarot and Yasin Purnomo.

For the lecture event that will be delivered by one of Ustag /Alim Ulamak /Religious Leaders Coordinated by Hj. Rachmawaty as well as Qory and Tilawah. As for slaughtering qurban animals and the distribution of qurban meat coordinated by Misri Sobiran with members, among others: h. Mahmud.t; security officer; cleaning service officers and park officers.

As for the consumption event coordinated by Dharma Wanita with members: Suli Astuti and Sri Hartati. While for general assistants coordinated by H. Buyung Dodi Gunawan with members: Agus Suharyono; Jannah; Suwondo and Miko Ismawan.

All costs concerning the implementation of the sacrificial worship are sourced from the results of the IMTAG or in the form of internal aerials in the East Kalimantan Bappeda environment coordinated by the Head of Finance Subdivision, Mohammad Iqbal with members, among others: Yasid Wakid; Female dharma; Hj. Rahmawaty; Hj. Rusnah and Miftahul Jannah.

For clothes both for stances, employees and employees in the East Kalimantan Bappeda environment or the invitees are expected to use appropriate free clothes. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).