Tuesday, 01 December 2020
PPU RPJMD Consolidation 2013-2018
Samarinda, 7/1/14 . The North Penajam Paser Regency Government (PPU) through the North Penajam Paser Regency Bappeda conducted a consolidation Final Draft of the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) of North Paser Regency in 2013-2018 to Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province in the Second Floor Propeda Meeting Room Jalan Kusuma Bangsa Number 2 Samarinda.
Ir.H.Nazrin, M.Sc Plh. Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda and at the same time as Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda (Central) chaired the 2013-2018 PPU Final Draft Consolidation Meeting with the Head of the Regional Bappeda Regional Development Assessment and Financing Division, Ir.H. Djoko Susilo Handono and Head of PPU Regency Bappeda, Drs. Andi Syamsul Qamar AR, M.Sc. Submission of the 2013-2018 PPU Regency Final RPJMD Draft Draft Submission was delivered by the Head of Economic Bappeda PPU Regency.
Participants who attended approximately 45 people from the PPU Regency Bappeda Team, Bappeda Balikpapan City, Bappeda Kutai Kartanegara Regency and SKPD related to the scope of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.
The Head of Bappeda Kukar conveyed input several important things in the final draft of the PPU Regency RPJMD in 2013-2018 including: 1. Hope from the Kukar Regency Government as a neighbor who borders directly can work together in all fields such as management and joint protection of rivers and the improvement sector populist economy; 2. Cooperation in the field of planning in special zones such as economic zones; 3. Synchronize between the RPJMD and SKPD and the target target must be clear.
While from Bappeda Balikpapan City representing the Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Control Division, Arif provides input to the North Penajam Paser Regency Government, among others: 1. 2. The City Government of Balikpapan supports the PPU-Balikpapan Bridge Development Plan; 3. Making a joint planning in order to support the development of the population in the border area zone; 4. Development of the Balikpapan City area while in KM 13 and its surroundings; 5. The integration of the program between the Balikpapan City Government and the PPU Regency Government regarding the management of Balikpapan Bay; 6. Joint planning after the completion of the construction of the Balang Island Bridge. src = "https://bappeda.kaltimbrov.go.id/storage/image/berita/humas_2014/1._jan_14/_2._pesrita_rapat.jpg" Alt = "_ 2._PESTERA_Rapat" Width = "600" Height = "398" />
While input from the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda submitted by the Head of Subdivision of the Regional Development Assessment, Yusliando, ST related to the technical preparation of the material in the final draft of the North Penajam Paser Regency RPJMD in 2013-2018, there are several things that need to be improved including:
1. In Chapter I. Introduction:
a. On page I -3 it says "RPJMD Penajam Paser Utara Regency in 2014 - 2018". The period of the RPJMD document adjusts to the term of office of the regent /deputy regent in 2013 - 2018;
b. On pages I-5 numbers 7 and 8 written the city government, which should be the North Penajam Paser Regency Government;
c. On page I-9 the 4th row is written Besides "referring to" should pay attention;
d. On page I-10 the second row is written spatial planning "city" should be spatial planning
GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF REGIONAL CONDITIONS are intended to explain the geographical and demographic conditions as well as indicators of the performance of the regional government of North Paser Regency which will be used as a reference in formulating problems and regional strategic issues.
With regard to this it is recommended:
a. In the final draft document the North Penajam Paser Regency RPJMD does not need to include all the general description of regional conditions, but is sufficient to provide data and information relating to the problems faced by the region. While those that are not related to problems and regional strategic issues are sufficiently attached to the working paper;
b. The results of the analysis of the general description of the regional conditions related to the achievement of the performance of the North Paser Northern Penajam Regency Government Affairs relating to the problems and regional strategic issues, summarized in the form of a table (Table T.III.C.36 In Appendix III Permendagri Number 54 of 2010 );
3. In Chapter III Overview of Regional Financial Management and Funding Framework:
a. Guided by Permendagri Number 54 of 2010, Chapter III consists of 3 sub-chapters, namely:
-Past financial performance;
-Kibasan Past financial management; -Funding framework
For this reason, it is recommended that Chapter III Final Design of the North Penajam Paser Regency RPJMD adjusts to the above.
a. The data listed in the table not only enter the percentage, but also enter the absolute number of rupiah;
b. Not yet presented the calculation of regional finance real capacity, as a baseline in establishing indicators and development performance targets given that the decision making for the planned programs and activities, is a unit of an integrated, consistent and binding budgeting planning process to ensure the achievement of regional development goals and objectives. Based on this it is recommended to calculate the real capacity of the regional financial capacity and total priority expenditure / expenditure plans (according to Table T.III - C 48 and T III - C.49 Appendix 3 Permendagri Number 54 of 2010);
c. Technical preparation is recommended to refer/refer to Article 11 (eleven) and Appendix III Permendagri Number 54 of 2010.
4. In Chapter IV Strategic Issues Analysis
Identification of appropriate and strategic issues increases the acceptability of development priorities, can be operational and morally and bureaucratic ethics can be accounted for. Strategic issues are situations that if not anticipated, will cause greater losses or vice versa, in terms of not utilized, will eliminate opportunities to improve the welfare of the community in the long run. In this regard it is recommended:
a. In order to formulate the main problems and basic problems of the North Penajam Paser District Development in Chapter IV Analysis of the Strategic Issue of the Final Draft Draft of the North Paser Regency RPJMD, there has been an analysis of the problem but has not been grouped into the main problems, the main problems, problems and roots of regional development problems. The main problems will be used as a basis for the formulation of vision, the main problems will be used as a basis for the formulation of missions, goals and objectives. While the problem will be used as a basis for the formulation of general policies (programs and activities).
b. In the case of the formulation of strategic issues of regional development used as a basis for determining the direction of the North Paser Paser Regency development policy, it is recommended to refer to:
1). Vision and mission of the Regent/Deputy Regent who won the General Election;
2). Identification of problems based on local government affairs;
3). Achievement of Development Performance in 2009-2013;
4). Strategic issues at the regional, national and global levels; 5). Direction of Development Policy The Second Years of the Second Years of the North Penajam Paser Regency RPJPD.
c. In accordance with the East Kalimantan Province RPJPD in 2005-2025, the development of the North Penajam Paser Regency is directed to become an agricultural area based on plantation, fisheries, animal husbandry and agropolitan; development of land transportation agropolitan and sea terminals that can increase accessibility with the regions of South Kalimantan, Balikpapan and Melak; The development of trade and services in the city which is a buffer for the city of Balikpapan and the surrounding area, as well as the development of marine tourism;
D. To provide direction and focus on development in the sub -district it is advisable to formulate planning for regional dimension development. It is hoped that with the development planning of regional development problems development problems in the sub -district can be overcome and the locus of the program/activity is right on target.
5. In Chapter V Vision, Mission, Purpose and Interest
a. The relationship between vision, mission, goals and objectives is recommended to be made in the form of Table T-III.C.88 Appendix III Permendagri Number 54 of 2010. In addition, it is also completed with the target indicator column, target at the beginning (2013) and the end of planning (2018 );
b. Based on the architecture of regional development performance, the target is an impact indicator (impact), therefore 18 goals and 50 targets are recommended to be sorted out which are the impact indicators, while indicators are outside the impact indicator (outcome and output) to be moved to the outcome indicators that are formulated from general policy. Considering the indicators and targets listed in the RPJMD will be accounted for by the Regional Head. Outcome and output indicators are recommended to be quite documented by the SKPD Strategic Plan;
c. Goals and objectives are formulated from the main problems of the development of the North Penajam Paser Regency.
6. In Chapter VI Strategies and Policy Directions
Strategies and direction of the Regional Medium -Term Development Policy, compiled by considering the problems, potential, strategy issues faced by the North Penajam Paser Regency Government. In this regard it is recommended:
a. Mission, objectives and objectives, strategies and direction of policy are made into Table T-III.C.89 Appendix III Permendagri Number 54 of 2010.
For this reason, it is recommended that the strategy and direction of the development /development policy of the North Penajam Paser Regency.
7. In Chapter VII General Policy and Regional Development Program.
In this chapter the relationship between general policies contains the direction of development policies based on the strategy chosen with regional development programs and performance indicator achievements. In connection with this, it is recommended that a table according to Table T-III.C.90 Appendix III Permendagri Number 54 of 2010 and set a place of performance at the beginning and end of the implementation of the RPJMD.
8. In Chapter VIII. Indications of Priority Program Plans and Funding Needs:
Table 8.1. Indications of the 2013-2018 Penajam Paser North Penajam Regency Medium-Term Development Priority Plan for Table Table III Permendagri No. 54 of 2010.
9. In Chapter IX. Determination of Regional Performance Indicators
a. Determination of regional indicators aims to carry out an overview of the size of success and achievement of the vision and mission of the Regional Head Regional Performance Indicators are formulated by taking indicators and priority programs that have been set (outcome) or components (input). In connection with the above, it is recommended that regional performance indicators are only related to the achievement of the vision and mission of the regional head (program indicator) regional heads that have been submitted in the post -conflict local election with outcome and input performance indicators;
b. The target of performance indicators is recommended to adjust to the ability of regional funding (in chapter III).
Consistency Following up on Musrenbang Results
The consistency between the agreement of the results of the Musrenbang and the final draft of the RPJMD, was conveyed as follows: In the attachment to the North Paser Paser Regency RPJMD Musrenbang agreement in 2013 - 2018 in accordance with the final draft of the Balikpapan City RPJMD. And vice versa.
Alignment with other planning documents
In accordance with the mandate of Government Regulation Number 8 of 2008 concerning Stages, Procedures for the Preparation, Control and Evaluation of the Implementation of Regional Development Plans Article 5 paragraph 3 and Permendagri Number 54 of 2010 concerning Implementation of Government Regulation Number 8 of 2008 concerning Stages, Procedures for Preparation, < /P>
Control, and Evaluation of the Implementation of Regional Development Plan Article 54 paragraph (2) Point c. that the Regency/City RPJMD is prepared by paying attention to the National RPJM and the Provincial RPJMD.
In general, the material has / has not been in line with the National RPJM in 2010-2014 and the East Kalimantan Province RPJMD in 2009-2013.
With regard to harmony, cycronization and development synergy regarding policies, strategies and programs for the Medium -Term Regional Development of North Paser Regency (Paser Regency, Kutai Barat, Kutai Kartanegara and Balikpapan City) there are several things recommended to become a joint program programmed in the Regency RPJMD Penajam Paser Utara, including: the construction of basic infrastructure to be used together such as educational infrastructure, health, clean water, electricity and water resources. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).