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The general view of the East Kalimantan DPRD Faction

Samarinda, Monday 26/5/14. Governor of East Kalimantan, Dr.H. Awang Faroek Ishak attended the General Scenery of Eight Fraction

The Leader of the 14th Plenary Meeting with the agenda "Submission of the General Scenery of the East Kalimantan Provincial DPRD Faction for the Explanation Note on the East Kalimantan Province RPJMD Draft Regional Regulation in 2013-2018 by East Kalimantan DPRD Chairman M Syahrun (both left) accompanied by Deputy Chairman Yahya Anja ( right) and attended by East Kalimantan Governor Awang Faroek Ishak (left) and also attended by 31 members of the council and officials and staff in the Kalimantan Provincial Government environment East.

The Agenda of the 14th Plenary Meeting is a follow-up to the 13th plenary meeting on May 20, where the East Kalimantan Provincial Government Submission of the Raperda Explanation Note on the 2013-2018 East Kalimantan RPJMD.

The Chairperson of the East Kalimantan DPRD, M. Syahrun said that the 2013-2018 East Kalimantan Province RPJMD was a regional development planning document for the next five years so that development would run effectively and efficiently. Therefore, development planning is needed systematically, directed, integrated, comprehensive and responsive to change.

The 2013-2018 RPJMD RPJMD Draft Regional Regulation in the 2013-2018 regulates priority program plans accompanied by funding needs to achieve the mission, goals and objectives in an effort to realize the vision of the five-year development plan to be achieved.

General view of the East Kalimantan DPRD Faction

Eight East Kalimantan DPRD Faction conveyed a general view of the memorandum of explanation regarding the Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) of the 2013-2018 Regional Medium-Term Development Plan for the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) of East Kalimantan Province which provided input on the composition Final Draft Document of the East Kalimantan RPJMD 2013-2018 to be refined.

General view of the PKS Faction _ /> </strong> </p>
<p> Submission of the General Scenery of the Prosperous Justice Party Faction provides input, among others: <Br /> 1.     Evaluation of the East Kalimantan Scholarship Fund Distribution Program both for the recipient and the management of the scholarship assistance; <R /> 2.    Form a team in the implementation of the East Kalimantan Scholarship Fund distribution program which also comes from the Department of Education itself; <R /> 3.     The scholarship is prioritized to children who drop out of school because the cost factors ranging from elementary, junior high and high school; <R /> 4.     As a result of the rise of sexual harassment by the teacher to their students in East Kalimantan, the PKS Faction provides input to all teachers both the status of civil servants and non -civil servants for psychological tests; <r /> 5.    In the development of East Kalimantan Human Resources, the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan must be able to realize cheap and equitable education and establish an Anti -Children Droup Out School Post; <Br /> 6.    Giving incentives to teachers in mosque, mosque priests, mosque guards as a sign of appreciation for people who make themselves for the interests of religious education in the midst of society; <Br /> 7.    Improving public health services and supporting the construction of Pratama Hospitals in each region in the context of improving health services to the community; <Br /> 8.    Increased coaching of business actors or SMEs so that they can be global competitiveness; <Br /> 9.     Improvement of road infrastructure infrastructure so as to improve the economy of the community; <Br /> 10.    Future development can synergize with other development; <Br /> 11.  Infrastructure development must be completed including the construction of Samarinda Baru Airport, the construction of the Crown Bridge and the twin bridge, the construction of the Marangkayu Bendunngan and other infrastructure development which is still not complete; <Br /> 12.    When is the RTRWP finished ..? <Br /> 13.    The East Kalimantan Provincial Government re -evaluates the moratorium on mining termination and oil palm plantation permits that are suspected of committing violations; <Br /> 14.    There are still many mining using public roads so that it will interfere with community activities and road quality; <R /> 15.    There is still an editorial repetition in Chapter II and Chapter VI in the final design of the East Kalimantan RPJMD; <Br /> 16.    The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan took part in the steps of congregation in overcoming the decline in PAD and the Balancing Fund for Regional Profit Sharing; <Br /> 17.    The hope of the PKS Faction that in the future of the East Kalimantan RPJMD in 2013-2018 will be more in favor of the people of East Kalimantan; <Br /> 18.    Furthermore, the PKS Faction conveyed to the Special Committee on the Regional Regulation of the RPJMD East Kalimantan 2013-2018. </p>
<p> <strong> <img style = General view of the Hanura Party Faction - PDS

Submission of the General Scenery of the Hanura Party Faction - PDS gave responses and input, among others:

1. Synchronization of the commitment of the Governor of East Kalimantan with the East Kalimantan DPRD in the form of additional programs in the East Kalimantan Province RPJMD in 2013-2018;
2. Development indicators in the East Kalimantan RPJMD that are output are not yet included in the out came indicator;
3. There are still many targets in the column not yet filled;
4. There is a mechanism whether the target in the East Kalimantan RPJMD can be achieved;
5. The decline in poverty is still slow, even though the poverty intercropping program is very large can reach hundreds of billions of triliunan rupiah;
6. Poverty reduction targets must be on target;
7. Agricultural development, especially in food crops, must be reviewed more confidentially;
8. The need for protection of agricultural land in the form of a regulation or regulation.

General view of the National Mandate Party Faction

Submission of the General Scenery of the National Mandate Party Faction gave responses and input, among others:
1. Community Economic Independence, Technology and Information;
2. The 2013-2018 RPJMD of East Kalimantan must be in harmony with the RPJP of East Kalimantan Province in 2005-2025;
3. Consistency of the construction plan for the next 5 years;
4. The target is not yet clear whether the implementation of the project is still a development plan for the previous year;
5. The shift in the program from agriculture into a program in the form of downstream products; 6. Labor is a strategic issue;
7. Inventory of the rate of economic growth which is the most dominant; 8. The unemployment reduction program can overcome poverty; 9. Economic transformation that cannot be enforced into a renewable economy;
10. Policies in preventing environmental degradation; 11. The suitability of the plantation and agriculture program;
12. Consistency of mining moratoriums and oil palm plantations; 13. The ratio of medical personnel is inadequate between urban and rural areas;
14. Increasing private hospitals in the context of improving health services to the community;
15. Increased development must be followed by a real development program;

General view of the Golkar Party Faction

Submission of the General Scenery of the Golkar Party Faction was delivered by Hj. Encek gave responses or inputs, among others:
1. East Kalimantan RPJMD in 2013-2018 has been prepared based on a predetermined mechanism;
2. The performance of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government in 2008-2013 is good enough; 3. Not yet optimal road infrastructure, electricity and cannot independently self -help;
4. Paying attention to the promise of the East Kalimantan Governor elected in the RPJMD of East Kalimantan Province in 2013-2018;
5. Increasing human resources and improving the welfare of the community and the environment; 6. East Kalimantan's economic growth rate decreased compared to the previous year; 7. Focus on improving quality infrastructure;
8. Improvement of development programs in the agricultural sector and becomes a mainstay sector; 9. CONSIDATATION WITH THE PARTIES IN THE BENGGHTY OF REGIONAL.

The General Scenery of the Patriot Party Faction of Democracy Stars and PDS

Submission of the General Scenery of the Patriot Party Faction Democracy and PDS gave responses or input, among others:
1. Handling the poor;
2. Unemployment reduction; 3. Increasing regional investment in the context of increasing regional economic growth.

General view of the Democratic Party Faction _ 3._Pemandangan_umum_fraksi_ppp_senin_26_mei_14

Submission of the General Scenery of the Democratic Party Faction by Yuni Emilda gave responses or input, among others:
1. The East Kalimantan Scholarship Assistance System is reviewed;
2. Electric energy needs of the community are still far from the expectations of the community;
3. Availability of raw water for the community;
4. Availability of fuel oil, especially diesel fuel for the benefit of the community and conduct strict supervision in the distribution of fuel;
5. Improvement of road infrastructure for the sake of improving the community's economy; 6. Kaltim Education Quality Consistency;
7. Review of mining permits that are thought to damage the environment.

General Scenery of the United Development Party Faction

Submission of the General Scenery of the United Development Party Faction by Syafaruddin, S. Sos gave responses or input, among others:
1. The PPP Faction disagrees with the 2013-2018 East Kalimantan RPJMD design because it only uses the development indicators in 2013;
2. The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan can improve the welfare of labor, especially in increasing the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP);
3. The 2013-2018 RPJMD Draft of the East Kalimantan Province included the performance achievements of the RPJMD of East Kalimantan Province in 2008-2013 so that it can correlate;
4. There is still a gap in the poor;
5. The achievement of the decline in the poor should be more than 5 percent;
6. Improving the quality of education and ensuring an education budget of 20% in accordance with the law;
7. Agree on sustainable life protection;
8. Mining reclamation is very weak in its supervision.

The Agenda of the plenary meeting to deliver the general view of the eight East Kalimantan DPRD factions on the Note of the Explanation of the Regional Regulation Draft (Raperda) of the 2013-2018 Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) of East Kalimantan Province was closed by the Chairman of the East Kalimantan DPRD M Syahrun at 13.30 WITA. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).

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Doc Photo: Bappeda Kaltim/Fajar