
Thursday, 10 October 2024



334 times seen

Bappeda Kaltim Holds a Meeting for Formulating Regional Consultation Forum in Facing Economic Transformation of East Kalimantan

Samarinda, (09/10/2024)-In the framework of the process of accelerating economic transformation in East Kalimantan as an implementation of the mandate of the national agenda in realizing a long eknomy, Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province held an agenda The meeting of the "Plan for Formation of the Regional Consultation Forum" by involving various stakeholders.

The stakeholders who were involved in the agenda included from the central institution, namely the Head of Bank Indonesia Representative of East Kalimantan Province, the Director of Macro Planning of the Oikn Agency and the Director of Macro Planning and Statistics Analysis, Ministry of PPN/Bappenas. In addition, there are elements of regional apparatus in East Kalimantan Province, regency/city elements, academics and other stakeholders.

The plan to form this forum is related to facing fluctuating global challenges. Where fossil energy will be replaced with renewable energy. This will greatly affect the economy of East Kalimantan where East Kalimantan itself is an area that depends on the mining sector. On the other hand, it will also have an impact on mining entrepreneurs and their workers. East Kalimantan's dependence with coal triggers East Kalimantan to make formation.

Yusliando as the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda in his remarks said "If we speak regarding the current reserves of East Kalimantan's natural resources including coal, with the current level of production, it is estimated that East Kalimantan will run out of stone Only in 2060, not to mention that we talk about international agreements in Paris no longer use fossil fuel in 2045. This means that with that condition, East Kalimantan can no longer rely on coal. "

To anticipate this, Bappeda has compiled economic development planning documents for the 2024-2026 period as a basis for navigating the regional economy. Stated in the document, the main focus of the local government is trying to encourage the realization of economic transformation including manufacturing and improvement of regional tourism.

Therefore, the plan to form a regional consultation forum is very important to be done as a commitment in gathering all aspirations of stakeholders regarding the acceleration of economic transformation.

"Therefore, in the regional consultation forum we will surgery later, what is the obstacle and things that need to be addressed regarding this economic transformation. So that the target in the 2045 manufacturing sector dominates the business field in East Kalimantan, "concluded Yusliando in his remarks.


Photo: FDS

#economic transformation
#bapp mutiled

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