FGD Preparation for Inventory Activities Characteristics of Gambur Ecosystems
Wednesday, 30/03/2022. In order to accelerate the function of peat ecosystems scale 1: 50,000 Ministry of Environment together with Giz Propeat implementing FGD Preparation of Inventory Activities Characteristics of Peat Ecosystems.
This activity was opened by the Head of the Sub-Directorate of Planning for the Destruction of Peat Ecosystems, Ms. Fitri Harwati, S.Si and was attended by elements of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, the Government of Kutai Kartanegara Regency, District at the survey location , Village and village survey location, company, and implementing parties.
delivered by Ms. Fitri that the implementation of this activity was carried out by PT. Bumi Hijau is harmonious with the activity of inventorying the characteristics of peat ecosistent in the hydrological unit of peat (KHG)
The inventory aims to obtain data on the characteristics of peat ecosystems (scale 1: 50,000) in 14 areas located on 4 KHG in North Kalimantan Province, as well as inventory data on the characteristics of peat ecosystems (scale 1 : 50,000) in 14 KHG (Non concession + concession) located in East Kalimantan Province.
#baped mutiled
#environmentalthangkaltim environment
#Conservations of the East Kalimantan
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