Thursday, 17 November 2022
Nusantara Scientific Forum 2 Series "Strategy for Accelerating Transformation and Economic Independence of East Kalimantan which is competitive for the Archipelago"
Balikpapan, 16/11/2022. Secretary, Head of the Economic and Natural Resources Division as well as several representatives of the planning sector at the Provincial Bappeda. East Kalimantan was present at the Nusantara Scientific Forum event organized by the Provincial Research and Development Agency. East Kalimantan at the Gran Senyiur Balikpapan hotel.
The forum opened by Mr. Diddy Rusdiansyah (Governor's Expert Staff for Bureaucratic Reform and Regional Finance) who represented the Governor of East Kalimantan this time raised the theme "Strategy for Accelerated Transformation and Economic Independence of a Powerful East Kalimantan Compete for the Archipelago”. A number of speakers were present at this event, including Mr. M. Roudo ST, M.PP, Ph.D (Regional Director II of Bappenas), Mr. Dr. Ragimun SE, MM, MBA (BRIN Macroeconomic and Financial Research Center), Mr. Dr. Ir. Zulkarnain MS (Head of the Center for Development and Spatial Planning Studies, Unmul), and Mr. M. Faisal Ph.D (Executive Director of Core Indonesia).
This forum was attended by representatives of the Provincial DPRD. East Kalimantan; TGUP3; Regional Apparatus within the scope of the Provincial Government. East Kalimantan; Regency/City Bappelitbang; College; Vertical Agencies; BUMD and Community Associations/Organizations.
This forum aims to discuss, finalize and collect various information, views, ideas, input and solutions that can be applied in preparing future development plans for East Kalimantan to make them more effective and precise.< /p>
Exposure materials from all speakers can be downloaded on the official website of Bappeda Kaltim (data center menu, presentation collection category).
#timberkaltim development planning
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