
Wednesday, 02 December 2020



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Field visit to the fire fish landing base

Penajam, 29 July 2020. Head of Agriculture and Fisheries Subdivision Hj. Hidayanti Darma made a field visit to the Fish Landing Base (PPI) in Api-api Village, Waru District, North Penajam Paser Regency.

Also present at this field visit was the Chair of TGUP3 Hadi Bukhari and his staff, the staff of the Agriculture and Fisheries sub-division of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, the Head of the Fisheries Harbor Section and his staff, and the Head of the DKP Program Planning Sub-Division and his staff.< /p>

PPI Api Api is prepared as a food support facility for IKN in the future, because with the increase in the number of thousands of people residing in the National Capital City, it is necessary to support the supply and stock of food, especially fish, here is the role of PPI very strategic because it is located around the IKN area (Paser, Balikpapan and Kukar).

Hidayanti stated that it is necessary to further develop cool storage and improve PPI Api Api facilities, apart from that it is also necessary to dredge around the dock or create a docking pond for incoming ship. (Bapp/Hum/Fat)