
Saturday, 02 April 2022



1142 kali dilihat

Balikpapan City RKPD Musrenbang 2023

Thursday, 03/31/2022. Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Mrs. Charmarijaty, ST, M.Si representing the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda attended as a resource person at the Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang) in the Context of Preparing the 2023 Balikpapan City RKPD which was held at the Balikpapan City Hall Office.

This Musrenbang was carried out in order to refine the Balikpapan City RKPD design into the final design of the Balikpapan City RKPD in 2023, in accordance with the mandate of Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 86 of 2017.

This event was attended by 399 participants consisting of elements of Regional Apparatus within the Balikpapan City Government, Balikpapan City DPRD, private representatives, regional companies, organizations and community leaders, as well as NGOs. This event was opened directly by the Mayor of Balikpapan.

The Secretary of the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda delivered a presentation regarding the response to the development policy direction of the City of Balikpapan in the 2023 RKPD. Mrs. Charmarijaty (Mrs. Nona as she is known) started her presentation saying that the alignment of provincial development priorities and districts/cities based on the circular letter of the Governor of East Kalimantan number 050/2042/B.PPEPD-Bapp/2022 concerning the alignment of development priorities in preparation of the Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) for East Kalimantan Province and Regency/City for 2023.

Several things that need to be harmonized include the Themes, Priorities, Macro Targets for Regional Development in 2023, the Direction of Regency/City Regional Development Policy in the RKPD Draft for East Kalimantan Province in 2023, and the Agenda Preparation of East Kalimantan Province RKPD and Regency/City RKPD for 2023.

Ma'am conveyed an overview of the problems still faced by Provinces and Districts/Cities, especially in achieving macro development indicator targets which lead to several basic problems such as high levels of poverty, open unemployment, inequality income and a decline in the quality of the environment.

In relation to the alignment of development planning at the provincial and district/city levels, Balikpapan City needs to pay attention to and align macro development targets with targets that have been determined at the provincial level in 2023.

The macro development targets for East Kalimantan Province in 2023 are a Human Development Index of 77.75; Poverty Rate 5.9%; Open Unemployment Rate 6.5%; Economic Growth Rate 3.5+1; GRDP per Capita IDR 175 Million; Gini Index 0.308; and an Environmental Quality Index of 76.15.

Meanwhile, the direction of the Balikpapan City regional development policy which has been formulated in the RKPD of East Kalimantan Province in 2023 needs to be directed at improving educational facilities and infrastructure; improving health services and accreditation of community health centers; handling road and bridge infrastructure; improving flood control infrastructure; providing stimulant assistance for livable housing for underprivileged families; certification of fishery product processing business actors; development of social forestry groups; as well as the development of the Kariangau industry.

In connection with the move of the National Capital of the Archipelago to East Kalimantan, the priority and focus of the development of the City of Balikpapan needs to prioritize the carrying capacity and resilience of the city to meet the basic needs of sustainable urban communities. Apart from that, Balikpapan City as one of the most livable cities in Indonesia needs to be maintained and improved to support socio-economic activities in East Kalimantan and also in IKN.

At the end of the presentation, it was conveyed regarding the schedule for the implementation of the 2023 East Kalimantan Province RKPD Musrenbang forum which is planned to be held on April 20 2022.


#timberdevelopment planning



#arrangement of rkpdbaikpapan2023
