Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Discussion of the FCPF-CF East Kalimantan Budget Allocation for 2026
A meeting to discuss the allocation of the East Kalimantan RKPD Draft Budget Ceiling and Regional Apparatus Plan for 2026 sourced from FCPF-CF funds was held by the East Kalimantan Bappeda in the East Kalimantan Bappeda repetada meeting room, Thursday (9/1) . This meeting was attended by various Regional Apparatus within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, including Bappeda, BPKAD, Regional Disaster Management Agency, as well as several other related agencies. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss budget allocations sourced from FCPF-CF funds for 2026.
In the meeting, each regional apparatus conveyed several important things, namely activity plans relevant to the FCPF-CF Program, proposed 2026 budget ceilings that are in line with program priorities, and relevant supporting documents. The FCPF-CF program itself is an initiative that supports the implementation of low-emission development, sustainable management of natural resources, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This program focuses on forestry and land-based activities, particularly through efforts to reduce deforestation and forest degradation.
Determining the 2026 FCPF-CF budget allocation for each regional apparatus will be discussed further at the next meeting. This support is in line with East Kalimantan Province's commitment to realizing sustainable development oriented towards ecological, economic and social balance. This meeting was chaired by Agus Taswanto and Alfino Rinaldi from Bappeda Kaltim.
Photo : (AD)