
Wednesday, 02 December 2020



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Preparation for Review of Smoking-Free Areas in Regional Apparatus of East Kalimantan Province

Samarinda, (01/10/2020). In order to increase the implementation of Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2017 concerning Non-Smoking Areas (KTR) of the Provincial Health Service East Kalimantan held a virtual preparatory meeting for the Review of Smoking-Free Areas in Regional Apparatus of East Kalimantan Province via the Zoom Meeting application.

Also attending this activity, the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda was represented by the Head of the Social Welfare Sub-Sector, Andrie Asdi, SH and online staff in the Human Resources and Government sector.

In the mandate of Law number 36 of 2009 concerning health, it is stated that Regional Governments are obliged to establish No-Smoking Areas.

A non-smoking area is a room or area that is prohibited for smoking or activities for producing, selling, advertising and/or promoting tobacco products. KTR itself includes health service facilities, places for teaching and learning processes, places for children to play, places of worship, public transportation, workplaces, public places and other places whose management is under the authority of the East Kalimantan Regional Government.

The aim is to create a clean, healthy, comfortable environment, free from cigarette smoke, provide protection for the community from the dangers of cigarette smoke, prevent new smokers, because everyone has the right to air which is clean and healthy and free from cigarette smoke, correct information and education regarding the dangers of cigarette smoke and smoking for health, information regarding KTR and active participation in the process of determining, utilizing and controlling KTR.

Therefore, every Regional Apparatus is obliged to implement KTR and convey the KTR message to everyone in their environment through posters, no-smoking signs, announcements, and so on.

In this meeting it was also announced that a team of supervisors and supervisors for each regional apparatus would soon be formed by proposing one person who would be submitted to the Health Service and determined by a Governor's Decree.

Candidates who are proposed to become the Team of Supervisors and Supervisors of Regional Apparatus must fulfill the conditions set, including: not smoking, required to take part in KTR coaching and supervision activities in Regional Apparatus, not doing assessment at Regional Apparatus, and determined by the Head of Service of each Regional Apparatus.

(PR of BappedaKaltim/Fat)