Wednesday, 02 February 2022
Activity Plan for Follow-up Discussion of One Data Indonesia Activities, East Kalimantan Province
Monday, 01/31/22. East Kalimantan Province Bappeda represented by Regional Development Planning, Control and Evaluation Sector (Data and Information Analysis Subbid) Mr. Muhammad Hamsani, ST, M.Si and staff attended the meeting to discuss plans for the follow-up to the One Data Indonesia Activity which took place in the vicon room of the Provincial Central Statistics Agency East Kalimantan.
This meeting is a follow-up to the Regulation of the Governor of East Kalimantan Province Number 48 of 2021 concerning One Indonesian Data. With the aim of strengthening and producing sectoral data
This activity was led by the Coordinator of the Statistical Processing and Dissemination Integration Function (IPDS) Gandi Wilyanto, according to him, the use of government data is not only limited to internal use between agencies, but also as a form of fulfilling data needs public for society.
Mr Gandi emphasized that this year is the time to prove the goal of One Data Indonesia, which is the Government's data governance to produce accurate, up-to-date and timely data.
#data analysisandinformationkaltim
#development planning data
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